Digital Transformation in the Retail and E-Commerce Industry to Mitigate Risks- Whitepaper

Catalyze creativity with the power of consumer-centric, customized approaches

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The growth of the digital transformation in the e-commerce industry has driven emerging customer behavior and technological advances. Not surprisingly, a personalized approach to customer centricity needs to be cultivated.

Companies should also be mindful of the different data protection threats involved and the security measures that can be introduced to minimize them when heading into digitalization.

This white paper will help you narrow down:

  • In retail, the main market initiatives.

  • The technologies that will form the retail sector in 2021.

  • The emerging challenges of the market faced by the e-commerce sector.

  • The threats of data protection in the online e-commerce industry.

To gain further insights into how the LoginRadius Customer Identity Platform offers centralized support for retail commerce and mitigates the underlying security challenges, download this whitepaper.